…Shall in No Wise Pass from the Law

DEUTERONOMY 22:11 and LEVITICUS 19:19 commands us not to wear clothing of both wool and linen.

Why not? Does this mean we are not to wear fabric with two materials woven together? First, it is important to remember that there were only animal wool and flax available when these Laws were written. The priestly garments were of linen so the wearers would not sweat, but stay smelling fresh. Wool made them sweat.

A more specific reason was that the curtains around the Holy Place, the Most Holy Place, the screen for its entrance, and the veil separating the two were made of wool mixed with linen (EX. 26:1, 31, 36. Only some Bible versions have yarn written after blue, purple, and scarlet which specifies it as wool). Like the holy anointing oil to be used exclusively in the Holy Place, this fabric made of wool and linen was only for the Holy Place curtains. One other article made from this special fabric was the ephod, which was interwoven with gold threads.

If we ensure our garments are not made of fabric with a wool and cotton or linen blend, we can easily fulfill this Law. Any other fabric blend is probably acceptable.

Alliances and treaties with pagan nations

A number of Laws prohibit a righteous Christian nation that follows YHWH from making treaties and alliances or have fellowship with or even show mercy to pagan, god-worshipping nations. Among them are EXODUS 34:15, DEUTERONOMY 7:2 and 20:16-18. How many Communist and pagan regimes and countries are propped up by the foreign aid payments from more prosperous Christian first-world, industrialized nations? If these nations refused to help the pagan ones, or trade with them, undoubtedly they would collapse, leaving their starving people clamouring for the blessings through Yahshua Messiah they witness in Christian countries. The only section of these nations we should give aid and solace to is the Church in them, and missionaries who are taking the Gospel to the people there.

No god-worshipper, unless he repents, should be permitted to live in a righteous country, let alone be allowed to worship or build a pagan temple.

Blasphemy is forbidden

That is, committing sin while professing to keep YHWH’s Law. According to LEVITICUS 24:16, it is a sin punishable by death.

We must not devalue, hide, or cause YHWH’s Name to be forgotten (EX. 20:7). We must not profane His Name (LEV. 22:32), or curse Him or His delegated authorities (EX. 22:28). Neither are we to doubt or rebel against the Most High (DEUT. 6:16), or worship Him in any way except that which He has ordained (DEUT. 12:4).

No man who has a defect or disability may be a priest.

He must be completely whole, healed, and healthy to glorify YHWH as our healer (LEV. 21:17-18, 21-23). Priests also must be ritually clean before they minister. Spiritually this means they must not be in sin, as well as being repentant for past sins (LEV. 22:6-7). This applies equally to anyone coming to the temple or church (NUM. 5:3, 19:20). Today pastors, ministers, elders, deacons, and adult male Christians are considered priests.

An altar must not be made of cut stone (EX. 20:25).

Symbolically we are stones that build up into YHWH’s temple with Yahshua being the top- or cornerstone. Being uncut stones means YHWH creates and forms us according to His purposes. To be cut means we are operating in our own strength.

About daughter of the Most High

Unveiling end-time truth and mysteries.
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